Windows 7 Safely Remove Hardware Icon in The AnswerBank: Computers
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Windows 7 Safely Remove Hardware Icon

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oldmisery | 10:49 Wed 19th Sep 2012 | Computers
5 Answers
Following advice on the hp Forum to display the hidden icon on the task bar, i.e. click on the inverted triangle on the right had side of the task bar and enable the icon, there is no mention of the icon. I enabled the "show all icons" on the task bar but to no avail, any ideas on how to access/retrieve it.
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Just pull the usb lead out...

as long as you give it 30seconds or so after it's finished transferring anything it will be fine.
14:50 Fri 21st Sep 2012
I assume that you realise that it won't show until you connect something which might require safe removal?
Part from when it does show for weird hardware.... one of my laptops shows it permanently telling me I can safely remove the built in network card and I've seen one computer showing it and saying you can safely remove the CPU!
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Apologies for not responding, been away for a few days.
The problem appears to be only when I connect a Fuji camera. Tried with other peripherals which sucessfully show the icon.
Downloaded the latest camera drivers to no avail, will now bypass and use the card slots.Many thanks.
Just pull the usb lead out...

as long as you give it 30seconds or so after it's finished transferring anything it will be fine.
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Thanks Chuck, I'll follow your advice.

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Windows 7 Safely Remove Hardware Icon

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