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Internet problems ......logging on in Windows XP

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barbara1835 | 11:04 Mon 15th Oct 2012 | Technology
2 Answers
My icons tell me that my computer is connected to the internet and my Netgear icon says that it is all working at full strength with my Broadband wireless Home Hub 3.

The Windows system is configured to use the Netgear adapter device.

When I fire up and try to use Internet \Explorer or Google chrome I keep getting the message Internet Cannot Display The Web Page.

I get round it by using BT Help desk which connects me up with the Internet.

Has anyone any ideas why this is happening? All is working perfectly when the Bt system/help has connected me.

It is the fact that the icon says Connected that is puzzling me.


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It sounds like you need to clear your cache.

You have full control over your browsing data. This data includes your browsing and download history, cache, cookies, passwords, and saved form data. Use the "Clear browsing data" dialog to delete all your data or just a portion of your data, collected during a specific period of time.

Delete all your data

Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
Select Tools.
Select Clear browsing data.
In the dialog that appears, select the checkboxes for the types of information that you want to remove.
Use the menu at the top to select the amount of data that you want to delete. Select beginning of time to delete everything.
Click Clear browsing data
Keep in mind that clearing your cache and cookies erases your settings for websites. Here are some examples:
If you opted to have sites remember your username and password, they will be cleared from your browser's memory when you clear cache and cookies, and you'll have to sign in again.
Websites might load a little slower because all of the images and content pieces have to be loaded from scratch.

Internet Explorer 8.x
In Internet Explorer, click Tools. If you don't see the menu, press Alt on your keyboard to show menus.
Select Delete Browsing History.
Select the checkbox next to "Temporary Internet Files."
Click Delete.
It can take several minutes for the cache history to be deleted. Once the files have been deleted, click Okay.

This info was copied from
Question Author
Thankyou, Walruss, I will study all you have advised and put it to use.


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Internet problems ......logging on in Windows XP

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