TV0 min ago
Pc - Email Security
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Let me explain a bit more guys. I thought my XP (Word 2007) was irrelevant. Docs and File names can have their date,time, creation all changed. I will move in tighter. Ignoring Print Source, when an email is sent can its time, date as fixed by a PC's time mechanism be altered to an earlier date. I am not talking about how an email is chosen to be saved. I am talking about the moment an email is created - Can such initial properties be altered.
Let me explain a bit more guys. I thought my XP (Word 2007) was irrelevant. Docs and File names can have their date,time, creation all changed. I will move in tighter. Ignoring Print Source, when an email is sent can its time, date as fixed by a PC's time mechanism be altered to an earlier date. I am not talking about how an email is chosen to be saved. I am talking about the moment an email is created - Can such initial properties be altered.
Tony, pretty well anything in a computer can be edited/ altered if you want to badly enough, if the person doing it is skilled enough it can be almost impossible for anyone other than an expert in forensic computing to tell what has been done. The only way to prove whether an email really was sent at the time it says it was would be to obtain the traffic logs of the...
19:55 Mon 18th Mar 2013
Using a utility such as BulkFileChanger can alter the attributes of any file:
http:// downloa d.cnet. com/Bul kFileCh anger/3 000-224 8_4-751 82036.h tml
Even simpler, opening a file in a basic text editor (such as NotePad or WordPad) can let you change the data within that file before resaving it.
Even simpler, opening a file in a basic text editor (such as NotePad or WordPad) can let you change the data within that file before resaving it.
Tony, pretty well anything in a computer can be edited/altered if you want to badly enough, if the person doing it is skilled enough it can be almost impossible for anyone other than an expert in forensic computing to tell what has been done. The only way to prove whether an email really was sent at the time it says it was would be to obtain the traffic logs of the relaying servers it purported to have gone through, unless you are a law enforcement agency you are unlikely to be able to do such a thing.