i was having a lot of problems with a very slow running laptop for quite a while and then more serious problems having my browser hi-jacked. i ended up having to take the laptop back to factory settings which was a pain but worked wonders, it was literally like having a new laptop again. it did mean having to save all the stuff on it in advance, and then having to re-download or install other stuff but worth it. after i did that i got a good anti-spyware programme which i run regularly and it detects and gets rid of these things which, among other nasty things they do, slow your computer down greatly. i always had good anti-virus software but these do not prevent trojans and rootkits (whatever they are - they are very unpleasant to have on your computer). since getting the anti-spyware, alongside the anti-virus i have had a wonderfully performing laptop. oh, and be careful of free software such as open office, looks like a bargain until you get loads of unwanted other stuff with it.