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Do You Think I Can Hold Out?

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Buenchico | 22:05 Mon 23rd Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
On Wednesday of this week all of the shops will be closed. That's A WHOLE DAY without being able to go shopping. I repeat, A WHOLE DAY! How the hell can anyone be expected to last that long???

I've just checked my supplies for that day and found that I've got 24 bottles of beer, 6 bottles of wine, 2 bottles of port and a bottle of whiskey. Do you think that I can hold out with only such paltry supplies available to me?


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Buy sprouts ... NOW
Don't worry. AOG tells me that we'll be a Muslim nation by next December...
I think you should go panic buying tomorrow.
Good thing you don't shop at Tesco's, then you'd be TWO WHOLE DAYS without being able to go shopping!
Not if you made the mistake I made and started already. Serious lack of Newcastle Brown now...
No food then? I've stocked up with just about everything I can think of, if WWIII breaks out I think we'll manage for a while. I have 7 bottles of Baileys, (don't ask) 3 white Wine 2 Red, 3 bottles whisky, vodka and mixers.
I can offer a choice of 6 (count 'em) types of sherry ...
my corner shop is opened all day.
I assume you're taking the Pizz. I do agree though. Panic buying when the shops are shut for just one or two days. I wonder how much will end up in the bin.
Since there has been the most massive queue blocking the roads outside Morrisons since 9am this morning, despite the weather, I am convinced that the whole of Dover is buying for a seige. Madness.
M&S is open from 5am to 5am tomorrow. Don't think I'll be going that early.
5am to 5am gran, that's quick! :-)
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If I was having sprouts on Wednesday (and wanted to cook them the traditional British way) I should have had them on the stove since October!

I'll have to buy Halal duck in future, then ;-)

Everyone else will be panic buying, so I might as well join in the 'fun' anyway!

You must have one of the few Tesco stores that isn't opening on Boxing Day near to you. The big one (Tesco Extra) in Ipswich is open from 0900 to 1800. The local 'Express' stores are open from 0800 to 2200.

Newvastle Brown? OK in an emergency, I suppose, but not a patch on London Porter ;-)
I got Asda to fetch it today, I haven't bought loads but I can't face the nutters who are bound to be out and about (I always get my shopping delivered).
Do people actually DRINK Newcastle Brown?

I thought it was the Geordie version of Ellimans Athletic Rub.
Delivered sherr. So you don't like offal?
Oh lol boxy thanks. 5am to 5pm of course. I was thinking of the Muslim till workers not handling pork and alcohol when I did that.
Newcastle Brown takes me back to my childhood....
Was mental at work today, ive no idea why. We shut at 10pm tomorrow night and open again at 8am on Boxing Day!

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