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How To?

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711 | 09:57 Sun 09th Feb 2014 | Computers
9 Answers
Having just bought an Android tablet which came-typically-with no instructions, Can anyone tell me how to save a web page? I read somewhere that I`d need to open the menu first, but cannot find any way of accessing a menu on it. Any help gratefully appreciated.


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What make/model is it?
On mine, and using the default browser, there are three dots in a vertical line just above a web page. Touching them brings up a menu which includes an option to save for offline reading.

The Chrome browser also has 3 vertical dots up near the top of the page, but doesn't include that option. If you prefer using Chrome to the default browser, there is an app called Offline Browser which should do the trick for you.
In the Chrome browser, you tap the same three horizontal bars (called a hotdog, by the way), then tap share, then copy to clipboard.
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Thanks, Huderon, got there ok. But cannot find a way of opening Bookmarks, other than saving another web page. Also cannot the way of deleting unwanted pages from Bookmarks??
If you use the Chrome browser, tap the hotdog then tap Bookmarks.
OK, again using the default browser ...

On my tablet, at the right hand side of the address bar there are three symbols going from left to right - a star, a magnifying glass and a star on what looks like a book marker.

Touch the star on a book marker and that will take you to a screen where you can access your bookmarks, history and saved pages. Touch the saved pages at the top of the screen to see the ones you have saved, then touch and hold the one you want to delete. A menu will pop up with an option to delete the page.
Oh, and to open a bookmarked site, just go to the bookmarks and touch the one you want to open. A long touch will bring up a menu which includes the option to open it in a new tab.
What tablet do you have, huderon, and what is the default browser?
hc, I'm using an Asus Memo Pad. It comes with two web browsers installed, Chrome, and one which is just labelled Browser (the icon for it is a picture of the globe). I only refer to it as the default browser because I can't think of another name for it !

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