Was doing a disc clean up when a 'windows file protection' notice came on the screen to the effect that files required to allow windows to run properly have been replaced by an unrecognised version. and to maintain system stability Windows must restore the original version of these files. Insert your Windows XP cd2 now.
This is an old computer and although I've kept all the paperwork etc together, I don't have the required cd.
Any help greatly appreciated-thank you
Totally illiterate when it comes to computers! The disc clean up is still going on - should I stop it and how do I get it into safe mode. Think I've done a systems restore before so can probably work that one out.
Thank you
Bit of an update - I don't think it's anything to do with the disc clean up - I think it's more to do with the fact that Windows has no support now - have googled again and think I may found some information I missed before. Thank you for the reply Old-Geezer.
If you are sorted then fine, but Windows still has support, Certain versions may no longer be supported by MS, but they ought not go wrong simply because of that.
I can't work-out what the message is that you have received. Perhaps some malware has entered your computer and has 'messed-up' some of your registry files.
I think you should give a quick scan with Malwarebytes and see what report appears on your screen. If you haven't got Malwarebytes then download the free edition (Do Not accept a trial run of the 'Premium' version, which is unecessary )......Click the following for download.:-
Old-Geezer at the moment all seems well so am keeping my fingers crossed.
HansUrbancka I've run anti virus and a malware check with nothing showing up but thank you for the reply.
Methyl there is a facility for me to do a disc clean up on my machine, rather like de-fragging - I just click on it.
Hopefully all is well now - thank you everyone for the interest.
Just to say that PCs that are bought with Windows pre-installed and no supplied disks may have an area, maybe a hidden partition, with the install files. Check your Start menu and sub menus, see if you can find a restore option for future reference.
Thank you Old-Geezer - I had a brain storm at 3am this morning! - switched on computer, very, very slow to boot up but then I deleted my entire browsing history (on the list was some plug in and as I kept getting a warning about this each time my computer failed to respond, this was almost certainly the problem) Anyway, for the past couple of hours it's been behaving rather like a spring chicken and I'm delighted to have my computer back to play with. Many thanks for your help.
Methyl- thank you for that but I really don't understand any of it - (old person not au fait with technology) - I've decided that I'll give my old computer a dignified exit from this earthly life after a few more weeks of togetherness with me. - Thank you