When buying a new laptop is it worth paying extra to get them to set it up. Years ago when I bought my desktop they came and set it up as part of the package.
I am not sure what is involved to set up a wireless connection and set up the laptop. What do they do? Is it that they make extra security settings to help prevent hackers.
I just thought I would ask your opinion as if it is not required I will just buy the laptop and do it myself.
I always had my computers set up by paying someone, until I bought a laptop which I did myself so if I can do it, I'm sure you could do yours. Just remember to write everything down like email address you sign up with and other information you might need, then you will have all details to hand should you need to change anything in the future. Good luck Mo
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I will write everything down as suggested and have a go myself. I know if I have any questions I can always come back and ask advice.
Don't pay for an installation off the firm from whom you buy a laptop. It would be you being expensively 'set-up' along with the laptop. No way can an installer put in additional security, other than what is available for you to do so.
Normally, it is quite straightforward if one follows the instructions which come with the laptop. Anyway, if you should hit difficulties, you know that there are folk in AB who will come to your assistance.