Epson Printer Problem in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Epson Printer Problem

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allenambrose | 11:14 Sun 09th Nov 2014 | Technology
2 Answers
I have an Epson XP-605 printer. I have been very pleased with it up until recently when it developed a strange fault.
Paper jams every time I try to use it for photo quality printing.
For all other qualities it still behaves perfectly.
I have carried out all obvious cleaning and tidying.
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It might be the photopaper, rather than the printer. I had a similar problem with my HP printer when I used photopaper from a well-know cut-price German store, but none when I used HP or other "branded" paper. It cost slightly more but without the wastage in time and money.
Always use Epson's recommended paper and other consumables. I have no connection with the company, by the way, but I have noted that the use of paper, etc. that is labelled "alternative" often results in disappointment. Using the recommended items may be more expensive, but it usually avoids problems.

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