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Football On Sky Sports

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annieigma | 18:37 Tue 03rd Mar 2015 | Computers
11 Answers
Is it possible to pay just to watch football on a computer from sky sports?
thank you,


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Why pay, when you can watch it for free on a computer .... if you know where to look ??

(Disclaimer: not that I condone this king of thing ..... ) ahmmmmmmmm who said that
It wasn't me Bernie
How the 'ell did that link appear in my last post .... it wasn't me .... honest !!
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Thank you all so much, we will be friends in jail I expect.
Budge up a bit...
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AVG stepped in and protected me from virus, loads of advert pages appeared, very dodgy.
And be prepared for all sorts of malware ,which is all hell to get rid of.
On my link surely not, however I do have AD blocker activated for that site.
Ad. blocker won't stop them Arksided.....They are devilishly cunning and well used to by passing any blockers known to man. !
If you just want to watch a certain team play, get a few mates round and split the cost of a 24 hour sky sports 'pass'. I do that. £6.99

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Football On Sky Sports

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