Crosswords2 mins ago
Hp Deskjet 3055A Printer.
8 Answers
Purchased the above printer in June 2013 along with a new PC. I had the PC along with the printer set up for me as my techno is pretty poor. Recently had trouble printing, so in desperation I uninstalled the printer then tried to install again with the software I was given at the time of purchase. I have windows 8.1 and the software states XP, Vista and 7. It state's that it's for a HP Deskjet 3050A all-in-one J6ll series. Pulling my hair out as originally the chap downloaded it, but now it refuses to do so. As a silver server any help would be appreciated.
That appears to be the correct software. (HP often use a generic series name for their software, rather than relabelling it with the names of individual printers): http:// support. hp. com/ gb- en/ product/ HP- Deskjet- 3050A- e- All- in- One- Printer- series--- J611/ 4311836/ model/ 5224265/ drivers? lang= en& amp; cc= uk At what point do you experience a...
17:33 Sat 18th Apr 2015
That appears to be the correct software. (HP often use a generic series name for their software, rather than relabelling it with the names of individual printers):
http:// support /gb-en/ product /HP-Des kjet-30 50A-e-A ll-in-O ne-Prin ter-ser ies---J 611/431 1836/mo del/522 4265/dr ivers?l ang=en& amp;cc= uk
At what point do you experience a problem? Is it with getting the download onto your computer, with getting it to run or at some other point? What exactly happens. (i.e. do you see any error messages?).
At what point do you experience a problem? Is it with getting the download onto your computer, with getting it to run or at some other point? What exactly happens. (i.e. do you see any error messages?).
Finally managed to download software. All trial and error! Unfortunately still not printing, but I have a feeling that's because when I replaced the black ink cartridge, I didn't use an original HP one. Guess there's no way to save money these days, so I'll have shop around for the cheapest HP produce I can find. Many thanks.
Download and run the HP Print and Scan Doctor:
http:// support /si-en/ documen t/c0328 6146
(It's excellent for diagnosing and fixing problems with HP printers).
(It's excellent for diagnosing and fixing problems with HP printers).
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