Classic Folder Customizer For XP
This tweak allows you to change the background picture of a folder by using the older version of the "Customize This Folder Option" used in the Win9X Os's and NT/2K. You will require the file IEShwiz.exe from an older version of Windows. You should be able to find it on the internet. If not, there's not much I can do.
To use this tweak you have to copy IEShwiz.exe into your Windows directory and then edit the registry. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\ . Create a key called Customize This Folder. Then create a subkey called Command. In Command modify the Default string. Change the line "Value Data" to read IESHWIZ.EXE %1
When you rightclick a folder you will now have the "Customize This Folder" option. Click it and a wizzard will open. Just follow the instructions. (If you have Service Pack 1 installed you can only use the folder background and font color customizations. Applying a custom folder.htt requires additional registry editing.)
Here is a registry file to apply the tweak.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Customize This Folder\command]
Copy this to a blank text file and save the file as "Custom Folder.reg". You can skip editing the registry by merging the new .reg file into your registry automatically.
If you decide to remove the custom background from a folder, the picture will not disappear until you reopen the folder. Refresh won't do it