Quizzes & Puzzles5 mins ago
Stuck Cd
Good morning A/bs I have a problem with a CD stuck in the CD drive of my iMac is anyone out there able to give me advice be I resort to calling in an expert. Thanks Rick.
Use Disk Utility which is in your applications folder. Open it, click on the list on the left and use eject at the top.
11:12 Tue 12th Jul 2016
Most CD drives have a small hole in the front which is used to release a stuck drive. You simply need to push the end of a straightened-out paperclip into the hole and the drawer should pop open:
http:// www.cas emodgod .com/mo dguides /VinylD ying/Vi nylDyeD rive01. jpg
I'm assuming that this is a slot loading drive and so the 'poke thing in the hole' options won't work. If so, first try everything here http:// osxdail y.com/2 010/04/ 08/ejec t-a-stu ck-dvd- from-yo ur-macb ook/ if they don't work try attaching some double sided tape to an old credit card and sliding it into the slot to stick to the disc and pull it out.