My era, if you like, was the 1960's, and I remember it with great fondness. But it was very different from today.
There wasn't anything like as many cars around for instance, which means that life was less frenetic and certainly could play fairly safely in the streets. And cars were slower....none of that screeching up to a roundabout, before applying the brakes.
People were definitely more polite and considerate. There is a family living opposite me that have three teenage children and I always know when they are home because very loud pop music is blaring out....what it must be like for the next door neighbours I can't imagine. I don't recall that happening in the 60's.
But it wasn't all sweetness and light back then. We never had central heating and the house was very cold in the winter, except for the main living room.
Everybody seemed to smoke !....younger people now don't know what its like to walk into a Pub or Cafe and not have to fight your way through that awful fug of cigarette smoke. All those overflowing ash trays ....Yuck !
Food was unrecognisable back then, from what we eat today....the diet was very bland and curries, chillies, pasta, etc, etc ! I eat lots of yogurt these days but I don't recall ever seeing any in the 60's.
We had 2 TV channels and personally, it wouldn't bother me if we went back to that again now.....I could quiet happily manage with the BBC and the Other Side. But I would definitely miss the AB !
The music was better, in my humble opinion. That pop music that blares out from the kids opposite is that awful "dance" music.....just endless noise that sounds like machinery starting up.....its just sound effects ! Thank God we had The Beatles and the Beach Boys.
I also think the pace of life was slower back then, although its difficult to quantify I suppose.