Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Large Format Printing.
I have three model aircraft plans in PDF format and each sheet is 36 x 72 inches.
Does anyone know where I can get these printed please? I would prefer to visit the printer in person. My local PrintRoom only goes up to A0 size. I see many paper suppliers can provide the 36 inch paper and even printers, but I don't need that expense.
I'm in North Surrey.
Does anyone know where I can get these printed please? I would prefer to visit the printer in person. My local PrintRoom only goes up to A0 size. I see many paper suppliers can provide the 36 inch paper and even printers, but I don't need that expense.
I'm in North Surrey.
There appear to be a number in the area. Try one of those listed:- https:// www. google. co. uk/ search? q= Large+ Format+ Printing+ Compnaies+ North+ Surrey& oq= Large+ Format+ Printing+ Compnaies+ North+ Surrey& amp; aqs= chrome.. 69i57j0l5. 19525j0j4& amp; sourceid= chrome& amp; ie= UTF- 8
13:55 Mon 10th Jul 2017
There appear to be a number in the area. Try one of those listed:-
https:/ /www.go ogle.co .uk/sea rch?q=L arge+Fo rmat+Pr inting+ Compnai es+Nort h+Surre y&o q=Large +Format +Printi ng+Comp naies+N orth+Su rrey&am p;aqs=c hrome.. 69i57j0 l5.1952 5j0j4&a mp;sour ceid=ch rome&am p;ie=UT F-8
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