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Laser Printer Advice Please.

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saintpeter48 | 21:55 Wed 31st Jan 2018 | Technology
7 Answers
Looking to buy a laser printer, I only print black and white, A4 paper, about 150 copies a week. I have had the same Epsom printer for about 12 - 15 years but find the ink is so expensive now. Any advice on what type to buy would be much appreciated, I need a good, reliable printer, not too large and around the £100 to £150 range. thanks.


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I'm certainly no expert here but a quarter of an hour's googling keeps bringing me back to the Brother HL-1212W, with lots of references to it being economical to run (in comparison to other budget mono laser printers but possibly not, unsurprisingly, when compared to printer that cost mega-bucks in the first place). It's generally well-reviewed and Ryman have currently got a fantastic offer available on it:
(Note that the description on that page doesn't mention Windows 10,which is possibly why Ryman are clearing their stock, but W10 drivers are definitely available for it:;lang=en&prod=hl1212w_us_eu )
>>I have had the same Epsom

You have had it for 12 to 15 years and still not found out it is EPSON not epsom !!!!
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Thank you Buenchico, i'll have a look at that ....... and Guilbert53, you really must get out more!!!
lol saintpeter, be assured that every printer recommended on AB will spell perfectly!
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