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Arrange A Single Excel File To Be Top File In A Folder In Windows 10

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patrickstar | 06:09 Thu 08th Aug 2019 | Technology
13 Answers
Hi. I would like to make a single Excel file the top item in a folder that will sit above all other sub folders and/or other documents regardless of their type. It is a team calendar spreadsheet so being placed on top it will be easily identifiable and accessible. Any guidance appreciated. Thank you.


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As most files are named by the user how about naming it aardvark
Yep just rename the file with AA in front of its name
Question Author
Thanks. Whilst I can rename the file I am more looking to see if the file can be placed at the top without having to resort to this.
You can keep editing it and sort files by date.
May even be some other characteristic you can use. Check what columns you can bring up in the file browser.
if you just put a hyphen or underscore in front of the current name that will make it stay at the top in any sort on name (assuming you don't have other files with that in front)
>Whilst I can rename the file I am more looking to see if the file can be placed at the top without having to resort to this.

I'm not sure what you mean by this- renaming a file or folder takes a couple of seconds. To get mine to the top I just put something like 001 at the start of the file name. However Prue's suggestion may be better for the reason she gives. I'll try it out
Question Author
Hi fiction-factory. I currently have a drive which has a number of folders and singular docs within it. This drive is accessible to my team who are travelling around the world. When accessing this drive I wish the Excel based Team Calendar to be the top item, above all other folders and documents.
Due to the nature of my work and employer the title needs to remain fixed with adding of numbers etc.
All I wish to know is if there is a way of ensuring this Excel document remains top. The options in View is to Group By, Sort by etc. I just wish to do the equivalent of click and drag and place it as the top item.
> I'm not sure what you mean by this

He means the equivalent of a "pinned post" on AB - a "pinned document" that is shown at the top of a folder no matter how it's sorted.

Can't be done AFAIK without resorting to renaming etc.
One way of doing it would be to create a shortcut to the Excel file. Then you'd name the shortcut in such a way that it appeared at the top of your folder. You could even put the shortcut somewhere else, e.g. on your desktop, to allow easy access to the Excel file.
I think we need to know why if you put it at the top (by adding a prefix to the title etc) what makes you think it would get moved from there?
As stated, the only way to do it in a Windows folder is to sort by name and prefix the file with a character such as "!" or "_" to ensure it's always first in the list, assuming no other files with the same prefix.

Alternatively, depending on your version of Excel, you could get everybody to pin it to their Excel file list, so that it would always show at the top of their own Recent Files.
Call it aaaaaaaa.xlsx

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