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jennyjoan | 23:21 Fri 04th Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Why do ever the accents not say MarTIN - rather than MaR-IN - why do they not say the T amongst other vowels/consonants - I may ask.

Think when they are acting - it bad acting - like Danny Devoyrs (when he speak his lines - many consonants and vowels are missing.

Only for the the subtitles (TV) for (me) corned beef - I wouldn't understand any word of the "English" word.

I thank the Lord for subtitles for my TV.


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I don't understand what you mean?
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in the soaps - they leave Ts out - leave a variety of consonants and vowels out and as I say - only for subtitles - I understand the stupid soaps. Haven't a baldy.

but then again if the English watch Irish soaps - without subtitles - they would understand their lingo too.
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^^^^they wouldn't understand the lingo/accents
I'm struggling too, Ummmm. (It's not helped by Google refusing to recognise whoever 'Danny Devoyrs' might be).

However, if the question relates to (say) a character in a soap, surely they're required to speak in the accent that their character would use, aren't they? That will often be a long way from 'perfect' English!
//Haven't a baldy.//

Eh ?
I can only think of Danny Dyer...cockney accent.
It sounds like a normal London accent ... they leave out the t... stick with subtitles.
I watched emmerdale for a couple of months and had to put the subtitles on :-)
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Don't fool yourselves nor me - you know what I am talking about re accents. thank you
Cocknies, they have par y's never a party.
You’ve kind of answered your own question, people say things differently because they have accents. I expect you have a very strong accent that some would find hard to understand. Must be tough if you have hearing issues.
But we don't. Were you talking about Danny Dyer from Eastenders?

I know some people from Kettering but according to them they are from Ketrin.
Danny Dyer was born in the East End and is playing a character from there, so it's hardly surprising if he replaces the letter t with a glottal stop:
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to be honest with you I think Danny Dyer "shoves his London accent on" just a little too much.
Like Chris has pointed out, he's an East End boy, that's how they talk.
So do I, jj. As much as a parody.
What's Corned Beef got to do with accents?
Leave it!
I can't remember him talking any other way.
corned beef Scottish slang for deaf (deef)
I know what you mean but I don't think it's accents so much as sloppy pronunciation. It is annoying.

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