G'morning lankeela ......You have said...."When it was time for bed it had shut down so I closed the lid."
Firstly, I would mention that laptops do not shut down of their own accord; an on screen button has to be activated withing the start menu. Leaving a laptop in an 'on position', after a period of time, if unused, will send it into sleep mode and can be reactivated very quickly, without waiting for a 're-booting'.
I think that perhaps your laptop was only asleep and, if your 'Router, Laptop and printer are connected wirelessly, a signal arrived via your broadband and activated your equipment. Certainly Not a paranormal printout.
Out of interest, please let me know how you restarted your laptop for the occasion under discussion and what has been your normal
procedure when the lid is left open. Perhaps then I can think of a real reason which could be along the lines as suggested by Togo.