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Security Cameras Needed

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saintpeter48 | 18:28 Sat 13th Feb 2021 | How it Works
2 Answers
I'm thinking of installing 2 or 3 security cameras, one each for back and front of my home, one of those door bell cameras and maybe one inside, they've got to be for an idiot to install and set up, I'm not much good with tech stuff, or maybe get a company to fit them, I don't really want to spend hundreds and hundreds, its just something for peace of mind, something I can have connected to my mobile and PC.
Any suggestions will be much appreciated, thanks.


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Check out the "Blink" system (Amazon) it is a wireless system that you can add to, they have indoor or outdoor cameras , I have had this system up and running for over two years now and are very happy with the battery life, quality of the picture and the speed of notification to your phone. It can be set up within minutes. I am more than happy with my purchase.
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KJN ............
Thanks for that I will check it out.

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