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bobtheturkey | 20:44 Fri 01st Oct 2021 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
As a newbie I'm a little nervous and maybe this should be in the legal section but does anyone know is it acceptable to wear a b&q bucket on ones head in place of a mask in these covid times?


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should this be in the jokes section?
Are you voting for Christmas Bob??
Nah.A brown paper bag with eyeholes cut out is much more preferable....According to my partner anyway...
I don't know about its efficacy in blocking viral transmissions but many friends of mine have suggested that I'd look a lot better with a bucket over my head ;-)
Too late to change the habit of a lifetime now Bob.
Of course it’s acceptable, Bob but you must make the eyeholes circular.
If you make a slit in your bucket you risk being mistaken for Ned Kelly.
At least my first track on ML's thread later is a given!
You had better watch you dont walk into a lamp-post with that bucket on your head.You might cause yourself some mental health improvement...
As long as you cut out holes for your eyes, you should be ok. Also make sure the handle fits comfortably under your chin.
^^^ On the other hand, Ynnafymmi, a blow to the head might cure the amnesia that constantly leads to Bob forgetting that he's been here before ;-)
No buckets available, they have all been panic bought.
^^^ If you're storing your petrol in Buckets, Hoppy, remind me not to strike any matches when in your vicinity!
I can't. Gness keeps cutting eye holes in them.
The biggest problem with wearing a bucket as a mask in these days where the slightest indicator of illness sends folk screaming and fleeing in terror is that one always looks a litte pail.
^^^ LOL (or should that be 'groan'?) @ Douglas ;-)
Thanks for the reminder, Bob. We've just ordered our M&S Christmas grub ...
Masks are purely optional Bob, but if you want to wear a bucket make sure its orange, but most importantly be careful not to kick it.
Well for a newbie, Bob you've certainly influenced Mamya's thread tonight! ;-)

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