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Its Tiresome...

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nailit | 19:07 Mon 10th Jan 2022 | Religion & Spirituality
88 Answers
But please,
Just one Christian/Religionist here,
Please explain to me the doctrine of eternal torment.

I dont care what your belief is.
Catholic, Muslim, Protestant, Evangelical or otherwise..

How on Gods Earth can you justify an eternal torture for those not of your faith?

This is one thing that I really dont get or understand.
I wouldnt want even the bloody Yorkshire Ripper or Ian Brady to be burned alive eternally.
But they are lumped together with Aunty Ethel and Uncle Bob because they once had a bonk before they were married.
Or some poor sod found himself on his uppers (as happened many times today)
But because they dont believe as you do, they are going to burn!



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Nailit, I don't think you'll get a sensible response here. I don't think there is one. For all our disagreements, we do have a common view on this religious malarkey.
Mind you; a common AB response is to let them burn in hell for ever more. Obviously they are overstating their abhorrence at nasty crimes, but they do sometimes seem to take pleasure in their condemnation.
I heard that hell had been updated and now consists of sitting in your own chair, using a computer being badgered with the same question over and over.
Wow nailit, you got owned!!!!!!!!!
Someone has to do Theland's job once in a while, Andy ;) RIP
Have a listen on Youtube to American comedian George Carlin on
"Religion is ***". You will feel much better after it.
// I heard that hell had been updated and now consists of sitting in your own chair, using a computer being badgered with the same question over and over.//

that is the plot of Huis Clos - Sartre - I remember it on the been around 1964
For anyone who's interest is aroused by PP's reference to the play by Sartre, have a look here -
The good news is it's not real, even the Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe that one.
Blimey that will take some doing
the beeb production - seemed odd that Garcin was played by someone who turns up in Get Carter a few years later, is here

yes that was - - Harold Pinter before he made it and married leddy Antonia. odd to see a jobbing actor start to write plays - - - and making it
I haven’t read the posts on spungle’s links but I’m guessing Nailit didn’t get an answer. Perhaps that’s why he’s asked again. Any offers?
Naomi - You're guessing wrong then.

Nailit got a series of answers, nearly four hundred of them, but clearly none that took his fancy.
-- answer removed --
I can't say I've ever seen a definitive answer to the question, AH, and I don't have your patience to trawl through that lot. What is the answer?
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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