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Freeze Up On Word

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DTCwordfan | 18:05 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | Computers
3 Answers

Weird one here on Microsoft Word a sudden freeze up in the keyboard and also a slave board have frozen up, yet they are working on here. I've noticed thathe there is a 'Para' key on to the right of the justification keys that says 'left to right' when hovered over - but I can't seem to be able to turn that off.......I have tried closing the laptop even - everytime, well three or four times, when it is booted up it does the same. Any ideas on how to break this.....thanks in advance



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Try running the 'Repair' function.  (I recommed restarting your computer after doing so):

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thanks there it seems to have cured it......phew - and no loss of text.

Thanks for the feedback.

(TBH, I hadn't got a clue as to the origin of the problem; I just knew that repairing Microsoft Office can often get you out of a bit of a hole!)

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