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Which Is Best - Ssd Or Hdd Hard Drive?

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joko | 18:07 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | Technology
12 Answers

I'm fixing mine & my mums laptops.

She barely uses it doesn't have anything in the hard drive other than the OS & about 50 photos.

The drive is HDD 1TB

Quite a few times I've run out of space on my laptop.

I have 1 SSD drive 250gb with the OS on, & a HDD storage drive of 1tb.

So I'm wondering whether to swap my small SSD drive for her big 1, she won't care, she will never use it, never has on any of her previous laptops, so I'm not depriving her of anything.

But should I keep them as is, keep the SSD.

I've had both types before & I've not noticed any particular differences in performance.

Still gets hot etc.

I know SSD means solid state drive & there's no spinning disk like a HDD, so there's less to go wrong etc.

How beneficial to keep OS separate from storage?

I know it means the OS has less stuff to tackle if on its own drive, but is it enough to warrant not having an extra 750gb of space on my machine?

I do still store some stuff on the SSD

Thoughts please!

Thanks! :)



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I much prefer SSD, they boot up much quicker but if you can't notice a difference, use the bigger HDD. I run both on my old PC, the newer SSD has the OS and everything is else is on the much bigger HDD - I don't know if it is possible to do that in a laptop.


Last time I bought SSD cost significantly more than HDD. That may be important to you.

When was that OG?  You can get a 1TB SSD for under £60 these days

Can't recall exactly. Some years ago now.

They are a lot cheaper now although some are very expensive 

Even if both drives have the same operating system, by swapping the drives you could find you have problems in that certain required (software) drivers are no longer present, causing operational problems making the laptops unusable.

You can't just take the drive from her machine and put it into yours; you need to clone (not just copy) your disc onto hers and then put it into your macine. Similarly you have to clone her disc onto yours before you physically swap them. See the problem? You need a third disc. 

Fair point, assumed known.

If you do clone best save the pictures first as your mum may not want them lost.

Sorry, yeah, a third disk and two clonings would sort that. You're going to need the same operating system on both when your finished, anyway. And you possibly don't have the installation discs, etc..

Should be easy enough to clone the SSD to a new partition in the HDD. Wipe the SSD, then clone the original partitions of the HDD to the SSD.

Rename the new partition C 

Only one advantage to HDD - you can hear it - handy when you're wondering if that lengthy Windows update has crashed.

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