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Printer Probs

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fbg40 | 16:34 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Technology
9 Answers


I have an EPSON Expression 6100 printer. At the moment when I print a picture I get coloured lines across the print. I have tried the following : Nozzle clean (3 times), head clean and head alignment. I have also changed a couple of cartridges as advised by the printer. The lines still appear. Can anybody throw any light on this please ?? Many thanks




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It's a duplex printer - if you do a lot of duplex printing could it be a dirty roller?

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Never done any duplex printing. Just had a thought - would it worth trying a new maintenance box ?? Only £9 on Amazon, might be worth a go !! Thanks Barry


Hope it does the trick.

I get banding on my HP it I have not selected the right size paper in the settings  but print on A4.

For instance if the printer app is set at 6x4 but when in Photoshop I choose A4 and scale to size.

I have to go back into printer settings and select the correct size paper

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Thanks MJW

I now have a new maintenance box so am going to try that asap. hopefully over the weekend.


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Just an update on my problem printer. Fitted the new maintenance box today, replaced the existing cartridges that I hadn't changed and guess what - yes you've guessed correctly !! Problem still persists. I had a look on You tube and have deduced that it could be a blocked printhead. Have ordered a "cleaning kit" as per You tube and will have a go when I get it.

All for now


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New printer on the way. Tried everything but no luck.


I gave up with this brand.  I now have a Canon printer which is wonderful!

Sorry you couldn't solve it.  Thanks for the update 

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