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Apple Tunes

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SIRandyraven | 20:19 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

Many years ago I downloaded loads of music CD's to my iPhone 6. I have since upgraded iPhones but still use the iPhone 6 for the downloaded music (connect to car music system).

Now the iPhone 6 is starting to fail, I need to reload the music onto my current iPhone. Tried iTunes etc and it don't let me copy device to device. Have tried various methods via online helps/forums.

 Next idea is to take out a free 3 month sub to Apple Music. Download CD to listen to them offline onto IPhone and then before charging starts cancel the sub.

Will this work?

Plan Z is to fire up laptop with a CD drive and rip the CDs again to current iPhone .....groan 



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Without the tech details of both phones and how they were compressed etc it is hard to give a definite way. But there is a link below that may be worth 10 minutes reading. You should find the method that is best suited to you. I know how you feel about this. I have a very early Ipod that I have connectted to the motor system that is great on long journeys etc or when the...
20:27 Tue 27th Aug 2024

Without the tech details of both phones and how they were compressed etc it is hard to give a definite way. But there is a link below that may be worth 10 minutes reading. You should find the method that is best suited to you. I know how you feel about this. I have a very early Ipod that I have connectted to the motor system that is great on long journeys etc or when the odious Jeremy Vine is on.,and%20select%20to%20"Add%20to%20Device".%20More%20items

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Seems you need to continue an Apple Music subscription for offline music (downloads) to carry on working.


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Why can't they just leave CD players in cars ....

Last car with such was 2013 and it had a six disc loader in boot.

Ta SIRandy. I thought that tip 3 may have been useful, but as long as you get the tunes moved it is all good. 

CD players on cars. They hid mine behind the sat nav/info screen and it was weeks before I found it. 

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