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Is There Anyone With Common Sense In Business These Days?

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ToraToraTora | 09:45 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Business & Finance
11 Answers

I have just received a letter from Asset Trace+. Apparently I am owed some dividend from about 18 years ago when I owned the shares concerned. So I followed the instructions to claim this windfall. Guess how much? £1.04! Perlease must have cost them more thant that to send the letter! Left it unclaimed so it goes to charity. 😁



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I receive a letter from my bank each year telling me they don't owe me anything and I don't owe them.

"If you’ve received a letter from us, this means that the company you hold or held shares in (as shown on your letter) has instructed us to contact you and help you access your unclaimed assets. It’s therefore important that you take action to ensure you don’t lose out."

They act under instructions so I doubt they are making a loss from the arrangement.

My neighbour had a nasty letter from DWP last week telling her they were adjusting her ESA because she had failed to inform them of a change of income. She would receive another letter within five days if they had to recover overpayments.

She did tell them in April, as she does every year. 

When we looked in to it they have underpaid her by 1p a week since 5th April when her works pension increased.

Such a lot of upset caused by the tone of the letter. Such a waste of time and money

The thread may be less about dividends and costs than largesse.

Sure I heard a trumpet a while ago.

Probably legal obligations.

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OG yes no doubt but surely they should have a minumum value say £20 before they bother.

ask piggynose - a poond is a poond tha knows!

Nothing much changes.

In pre-privatisation days, Yorkshire Electricity Board sent me a bill for £0.00, which I ignored.  I then received a final demand for the same sum, followed by letters threatening to cut off my supply and to take me to court for non-payment of the bill.

I eventually gave in and sent them a cheque for £0.00, together with a copy of the bill so that they could see why I'd sent it to them.  Their response was an extremely shirty letter, regarding me having sent them a worthless cheque, as they still couldn't recognise their own error!

You should have added a £0 tip too. No wonder they were shirty.

Daft things happen, when dad died Brother and myself were executors. Brother was left the shares he had, there was a small dividend due, so they now sent a cheque with two names as the payees.

No bank will cash a cheque unless there's a joint account with two names, didn't matter how many times they were contacted it didn't change. The figure due was less than £20, because the last one didn't get cashed they sent another every six months. 4 years later we managed to persuade them to give it to a charity of their choosing.

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Is There Anyone With Common Sense In Business These Days?

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