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How Do I Put My Avatar On?

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Quenched | 18:18 Sat 04th Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

Apologies if I am on the wrong section for this question, but how can I upload an image as an avatar for my profile? 



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You will need to open an account with Gravatar. Make sure you use the same deatils that you used for Answerbank. I.E. email etc. After you have got a Gravatar account it will guide you to upload from your pc or other sources. You will find that option in the Avatars menu. Be sure to check the box that asks if it is woke friendly. 

also there is a bug in the system so it'll say something like you can have an avatar in -234 days, just raise a Q in the EDs blog and they'll sort it.

"What do I need to do in order to get an Avatar?

Firstly, you need to have posted at least 10 times on The AnswerBank and have been an active user for more than 14 days." (emphasis added(

Be aware that there are some other sites which will adopt the same avatar if you're registered under the same email address (no, sorry I can't recall which ones).

Why go user inactive if you are just going to make another account?

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I tried registering with Gravatar but the site says my email is invalid, yet its the email I used for my Answerbank account 🤔

As a suggestion, if you copied and pasted your E-mail address try putting a space after it.

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Thanks, but I tried that but no luck. 

Its odd as my email is obviously legitimate as its my Answerbank email address, yet Gravatar refused it. 


Not sure what I can do now. 

That's odd alright, I'll keep pondering, if I come up with something I'll post on here.

It seems you have to have a WordPress a/c first as below:

Getting started with Gravatar is easy; you’ll need to have a account and then authorize that account to connect to Gravatar.

If you have a gmail account sometimes you have to put it in full as for this to be accepted. It has happened a few times to me when not accepted. 

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How Do I Put My Avatar On?

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