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medion md 8818 pc

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Kingofthepda | 21:58 Sat 09th Dec 2006 | Computers
4 Answers
Has anyone bought one of these? When and where was it advertised? I live in the Midlands and have not seen it advertised.


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Sold at Aldi's. Google the model for more info.
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Thanks, but I tried that before posting to the forum. I have tried again but still no luck.
They were on sale at Audi stores last Sunday, probably all gone now,my store was allotted 6 machines went in 10 minutes, Mine has been up and running for a week now, pretty good only problem is back up service, rang support today was on line 25 minutes as the remote control did not work and was advised to back everything up then ring them back for a factory reset,I asked if they would just go through a few thing and they said no needs factory reset when questioned if there was a problem with the remotes no forthcoming answer? Hey this is something I would not advise unless you are very comfortable with what you are doing. I think you will find there is also a problem with the wireless mouse and keyboard,mine started playing up this afternoon. Medion are known for their poor back up service and this is something you should bear in mind when purchasing this brand.This speaks from past exerience of my sons computer all said and done for the price you pay its a good machine but as stated before back up service not too good.
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Many thanks, if it is the case that they're all sold out then I think I'll wait until after Christmas and see what offers are about. Thanks again.

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