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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Hello all
Hope you're all ok .Nothing exciting to report .
Famous Grouse ,litre bottles cheap at Morrisons .
£13.95 instead of nearly £20 .I'll stock up tomorrow :)
Have you seen they are doing personalised bottles this year?
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it's £15 at Tescos, Sainsburys and Asda if you can't make it to Morrisons.
Tut you are all wine snobs, I like cheap and cheerful German Hock or liebfraumilch, but cannot get it here :-(

Feeling tired now, Mr N finished off the curry (he wasn't too enthused!) and I fried up pots, peppers, garlic with the sobrasada sausage that I brought home from restaurant as couldn't eat it all, and I added butifarra to it, poor Mr N was green with envy or maybe it was the curry!!!! I've promised him cauliflower tomorrow, he loves it. Is that how one spells cauli? Have had a lovley hot bath and in clean bed, house clean! Love it!!

Evenin all...just passing through, I've been shopping but I was in so much pain it wasn't a pleasant experience and now I don't know where to put myself so I'll catch up tomorrow.
As you were...Carry on boozing...
I know the feeling Robinia ...
and standing in queues is very bad for your health,dodgy back ,hips ,knees. and nasal passages ,especially behind the great unwashed and people who seem to never have heard of tissues:)
It's the standing I can't stand and I always seem to get behind the person whose purse is right at the bottom of a ginormous handbag or they've decided they don't want an item or they run out of till roll at the checkout .

That's good Woofy ..I might get a couple with, His and Hers :)

Lol..I'm not a wine snob Neti ...I don't know one wine from another except for the fact they come in red or white !.I love the ad with Philip Glenister...

Oight Oight folks ,sleep toight .
Phillip Glenister...swoon....I hate even the smell of gin though.
Good morning, just off for blood tests........................
Back in bed again with a cuppa. Blood tests done and I even sorted out hija'lost health card.
I love Philip Glenister.
Morning all
Batten down the hatches .It's already blowing a gale out there and we've got flood warnings .Don't think I'll be going far today .
Throw open the windows, open the doors, beautiful and sunny here, (although at 7 it was freezing!)
I fancy a cauliflower (coliflor here!) bake, is there such a recipe or shall I make one up, ??
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right, I am fasting ahead of op, I trust rumbling stomachs do not distract surgeons. I have booked tickets to Monty Python at vast expense as a Christmas pressie. What else should I do to fill in the waiting time?

Looking a bit cool and damp out there but London can take it.
this sounds nice...

best wishes jno, using the last bit of time is always difficult.

even right south we are feeling the edge of the storm, its cold grey and blustery here.

hope Robi is feeling better today and that jude and Shaney aren't being blown away
Thanks woofy, that recipe has gone all round the tables at coffee!
I thought it sounded yummy even though i dislike cauliflower and it dislikes me.
Bit scary here .They reckon we could have a tidal surge and it could be worse than 1953 .People are being evacuated in Gt .Y and low lying areas near the river down here .
The police are about warning people .
I moan about that hill ,but I'm glad we are high up the town today .
Ooh Jno ..I've just read back.I hope everything goes well for you and that the op is successful.
You'll soon be able to read the small print on your bottle of Baileys :) Take care xx
Yes good luck Juno x

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