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dates in excel

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auzzie | 16:11 Wed 27th Jun 2007 | Computers
9 Answers
I have exported some data from a payroll package, but the dates of birth have been exported without the separator and backwards ie. 98910120: 2/10/1989. How can i convert it to the correct style? I have tried allsorts of formatting but it just wont have it. Any suggestions please?


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You'll probably have to re-import them and then change them within the payroll package. Or re-export them again and make sure the seperators sre there.

Sounds like a tricky one and I've seen a few in my time ;o)
You can reverse the figures into date format using


(one line with no gaps)

where A1 indicates the cell of the data to convert.
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Thanks to both
Kempie, i have a #value come up in my cell. It gave me an option to correct the formula with an extra ) at the end. I accepted it and it came up with the error message. Wouldn't work if i didn't accept it. In A1 i have 98910120 (02.10.1989) it is under the general format. and i entered the formula in B1. If i change the format to date it comes up with loads of ########### ! Where am i going wrong?
AnswerBank has placed 2 spaces in the formula { before (A1,5,1) and before the final ) } which when removed is accepted as a valid entry and works properly in Excel 2000.

Did you copy/paste or type the formula in?
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I typed it in, no spaces
A1 should be formatted as General while B1 is the cell to format as Date.
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Thanx for all your help Kempie. I have formatted as you said i still get the #value error. When i go to evaluate it says:

Evaluation = DATEVALUE("0/2/10/1910120")
The next evaluation will result in an error.

......and it does #Value!!

I have Excel 2002, don't know if that makes a difference. One of the things i did notice in your formula, you have a &"/" in between every MID except between 8 & 7, i have put one in just in case but it still does not work!!
There are only two "/" in the formula - after 7 and 5.

Each MID is one character of the date and the "/" insert the date separators.

8 7 / 6 5 / 4 3 2 1 ... (the MIDs and "/"s in the formula)
d d / m m / y y y y ... (the resulting date)
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Yeehaa, it works. See what happens when you have too many slashes!!!

Many thanks Kempie for your trouble & patience!

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