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Nero Burning 7

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Liz65 | 23:35 Wed 29th Aug 2007 | Computers
4 Answers
I have downloaded some episodes of a TV series and want to put them on to DVD. I decoded them with Win Converter but when I tried to burn them with Nero, after the 1st episode, I couldn't add any more episodes because the file names are all the same as the 1st one eg.Video-TS etc. Any suggestions as to how I can solve this one? Many thanks.


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der... rename the files?
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Thanks, Rojash, I had a horrible feeling that was going to be the answer - I have 25 episodes to do!
Why are you using win converter. I download AVI, Divx files etc and then burn them straight to dvd using Nero and the make dvd feature.Nero then converts them to a playable file system.This way all the files have their original names and therefore no confusion.

Free, and just about the simplest application to use to transfer your downloaded episodes to a DVD that will be playable on your home DVD player.

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