It might be worth a good clean out or even a reformat and reinstall but looking at the spec below I would think it's probably time for a new one
CPU Intel Pentium 75MHz in ZIF Socket 7
Motherboard S156P AVIO
BIOS AWARD Modular BIOS v 4.50PG
Memory 8MB (2 X 4MB) 70 ns fast page RAM in Banks 1 & 2 expandable to 128MB
Cache Internal: 16KB, External: 256KB (Upgradeable to 1MB)
Hard Drive FUJITSU Model M1614TAU 2114 cyls, 16 heads, 63 sect. 1091MB
CD Drive DELTA ODC 6101 (4x Speed)
Video Card SIS 6205 2MB
Sound Card OPTi 924 3D
Speakers 2W passive speakers powered by on mainboard amplifier
Modem PC Comms DataFlex 14,400
Keyboard Windows Enhanced Keyboard
Mouse 2 Button 9 pin on COM1
Interfaces 1 x 9 pin RS 232C set as COM1 on 3F8, IRQ 4
1 x 25 pin RS 232C set as COM2 on 2F8, IRQ3
1 x 25 pin parallel LPT port set on 278, IRQ5
1 x Games Port (on sound card)
1 x Standard DIN 5 pin socket for Keyboard
1 x Video connector
Expansion 3 PCI slots and 4 ISA 16 bit Slots