How do you potty-train a hamster?? When I got him, dopey my hamster, he was only a baby and so I let him poop wherever he pleased. But I think its time he learned the genteel way of tending to his calls of nature, especially in time for the next hamster get together. Is there a guide book that I can follow through? Or a video? Or maybe hire a trainer?? He only responds to 'dopey' and 'yes/no' and 'maltesers' up till now,,,, i do not know how to explain in basic, simple terms, the method of 'potty' and 'training' to him, Do you?? Please help!!
well, it would help if dopey could fight the urge to poop and shed his fur all over the place in his cage, he's such a messy hamster, must have got it from his parents ..... the only place he doesnt poop is near his blanket!!