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keyboard not working

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impact5 | 09:14 Tue 30th Oct 2007 | Computers
4 Answers
Keyboard at home suddenly stopped working, Have restored it to earllier point. (its not wireless ) any help lights on


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Have you checked the obvious?
Is it still plugged in firmly at the back of the computer?
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checked the connection yes
Could the wire have broken inside the rubber sheathing maybe,or come loose at the join to the actual keyboard?
I would just buy a new one as they are really quite cheap. Currys and all the big shops like them sell them for around �5.00
sounds physical
mmmm ps2 or USB?

one way to prove is to try to get into the BIOS when the machine is starting up .... at that point the machine is talking directly to the hardware so if no joy at that point ... not much else is in the way

the best way however is - if you can .... borrow a keyboard and see if that works (a cord has two ends ... it's possible (though unlikely) that it's the mobo

if it's usb .... try all the sockets ... or try a mem key in the sockets to prove they are working

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keyboard not working

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