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Toshiba Qosmio Laptop

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Dudley | 11:34 Tue 20th Nov 2007 | Computers
2 Answers
I have a Toshiba Qosmio laptop whih is about two years old. It has two 60gb hard drives which apparently work separately. On drive C which is the default drive there is 55gb of usable space and currently there is only about 9gb of usable space available. What puzzles me is that apart from my music colection of about 10gb I cannot find any files on my computer larger than 2 or 3 gb so what has used up the remaning 36gb? I know programs will have taken up some space but surely not 36gb. Any thoughts welcome please.


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only way to see is to look

first make sure you can see everything on/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/win_fcab_show _file_extensions.mspx?mfr=true

then have a look round
right click a folder and select properties and you'll get info on the number and size of the files

you'll also find something like CC cleaner
useful for spring cleaning

you don't mention what you use d(?) for

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Thanks AC. I have to admit that I don't use the D drive because when I put my music files on there, iTunes could not find them. When I suggested to my IT guy that I thought the two hard disks should interact with each other, he said not necessarily. Surely Toshiba would not advertise 120gb if that was not the case and it wasn't until I already owned the computer that I found out it was split into 2x60gb. Although I can see my way around most computers I am not technically very knowledgable. Your further advice would be much appreciated.

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Toshiba Qosmio Laptop

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