LOL this is a classic admin exam question
It should run automatically from when you insert the CD (if you have autorun enabled)
otherwise its EITHER
From within windows<b/>
(where X=your CD/DVD Drive letter)
x:\setup.exe (this is what autorun should do)
this gives you the front end installer
or x:\i386\winnt32.exe (from windows explorer)
this opens the "blue screen" installer
From a commandline<b/>
you should be able to boot directly from the XO CD
(press any key to boot from CD.....)
or finally
boot from the win98 startup disc (with CD support).
this runs the 16 bit blue screen installer
follow the prompts
lol 5/5
having said all that
you can't beat a clean install ....
far far better than upgrading
make sure before you start (in every case) that you have all the drivers for mobo, graphics, sound etc