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wireless router

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musicmummy | 18:46 Tue 15th Jan 2008 | Computers
5 Answers
Got one of these installed, but it didnt ask me to put a password when installing it. What can i do??? Very not very technichal computer person


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More information please. What make and model is it and what computer OS are you using? Windows XP?

In the system tray by the clock you should have a wifi icon - it looks like a tv with ))) to the right. Click on it - now click 'view wireless networks'

You should see your own network - does it say 'security enabled network' or something similar?
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Hi Ethel, Its a Belkin router model number f5d9230-4, im on xp, i dont have any icon that relates to routers or wi-fi
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any ideas?

Go to Start - my network places

View network connections (in left hand panel)

Click on 'wireless network connection'

and 'view wireless networks'

What does it say?
you can probably set a password from the "home" page of the router, this can be accessed via the pc hard-wired to the router. To reach this, you type a number address in the address bar of your browser - it's something like
but check with your instruction book, then follow the "security" prompts.

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wireless router

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