y/Question523812.html I posted the above question a couple of days ago. I had my 34week appt this morning and my usual midwife was off so I saw another one who didn't seem that helpful. I asked her about a hospital tour and she said that they don't do them anymore, but that they hope to have a DVD done by the summer (erm... not that useful then seeing as I am due in April). My problem is the whole process of giving birth - what will happen to me? Ok, so my waters break, I grab my bags, MrNat drives me to hosp, we get to women's centre ...... hourspass and baby Nat arrives.... but what happens in the meantime? Where will I be? I have never been in hospital before and feel a bit panicky now because it is all new and I don't seem to be able to get any answers.
I have Parent Craft in two weeks - is that the same as an antenatal class? It is at the hospital so I will ask if I can have a look round then. I also have a midwife appt in 2weeks with my usual midwife (I hope) and she is lovely so I will speak to her about my concerns too. But between now and then I feel a bit lost :-(
P.S. BabyNat is doing great, s/he is average! Hurrah! Midwife very pleased with my blood pressure and bubs heartbeat so that's good news :-)