There are a number of converters available but most do a fairly poor job.
The best I have seen is Able2Extract. It costs though. The Pro version can do OCR so an image can be converted to Word. It also converts scanned tables into Excel and can make a pdf into a PowerPoint Presentation.
meredith I've tried that, I can't highlight in pdf. I've even tried selecting all and dropping the text into a word file but that doesn't work either. I'm going to have a look at the link sir prize recommended. Back soon.
As a desperate last resort I sometimes use printscreen ( prt sc) and then paste into a word doc. Not the most satisfactory way, but like I say its a last resort...
Thanks everyone. I struggled at work and eventually e-mailed the document home where I managed to highlight the text and paste into a word file. Many thanks to all your suggestions.