When I open it to get on the net, the image appears, But takes ages to start working properly. I've tried using Ctrl + Alt + Delete and get (Not Responding) message, leave things and after a good delay it works for a while then freezes again, and so on. Would appreciate any help in fixing things I have win XP Home, only 512MB memory.
First and foremost.... what firewall have you installed ? If it is McAfee, is it set to LOCKDOWN ? If the answer is "yes", then re-set your firewall to standard setting and try again.
Secondly, which ISP ? Is it AOL ? AOL have several security formats installed in their software and this may be corrupting your sign-on options.
To voltr4m4x,
Thanks for answering, I'm not technical, but have Windows firewall, AVG free Edition 8, and think the isp is Google,
hope this helps.
Thanks again,
To voltr4m4x,
Through Windows firewall, in the exeptions folder, uninstalled firefox 3, then Re-Installed it and now it works fine.
I would like to thank you for guidance and much appreciate your help.