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Tiscali ISP

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telboy1938 | 15:14 Sun 14th Sep 2008 | Computers
4 Answers
A follow up to a question earlier....Having bought my Grand-daughter a laptop I find her Mum only has a Tiscali Modem (typical)...My question is:- What is the easiest way to fit them up with an internet connection in order they could both go "on-line" at the same time.


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as before .... you've missed the most important piece of information .... phone dialup - ADSL broadband - or what?
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Hi, I wondered where you were AC....I haven't seen the installation but what my Grand-daughter tell me it's on a BT line and not Dial-up so I would say it's ADSL. Unfortuneately it's Tiscali. I have a 3Com Router which I used prior to connecting to Sky but I'm not sure if by un-plugging her Modem and putting the 3Com in its place I would get on-line with her Tiscali connection. Regards
OK so it's Tiscali.

Buy this:

Plug it into the microfilter in the phone line, and then with ethernet to the PC. Once set up, turn wireless and WPA security on in the settings, and then get the laptop to connect wirelessly.
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Thanks fo3nix....Looks as if you have pointed me in the right direction......Telboy

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Tiscali ISP

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