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Dual Monitor from one computer port

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Loopster | 22:34 Thu 26th Feb 2009 | Computers
3 Answers
I have a compact Acer ASX3200 which only has one monitor port in the back. however I would like to run a dual screen set up from it. Whats the best (and cheapest!) way to do this? I know it can be done, but I'm just not hitting on the right phrase so that I can buy whatever it is that I need. And that I need urgently. Help?

Thanks in advance.


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Depends what you mean by a dual monitor setup. I have my desktop extended across two screens, but that requires a dual-head video adaptor.

If you just want to duplicate the contents of one screen on another, you need a VGA splitter like this: ale-to-2x-Female-Monitor-Splitter-Cable-Lead/P roduct.html?cm_mmc=Froogle-_-PC-_-Accessories- _-VGA%2B1x%2BMale%2Bto%2B2x%2BFemale%2BMonitor %2BSplitter%2BCable%2BLead&source=5066&engine= froogle_pc&keyword=VGA+1x+Male+to+2x+Female+Mo nitor+Splitter+Cable+Lead
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Thanks Rojash

I want to extend my desktop, not just duplicate the image. Can dual head video adapters be external to the computer?

No. But if it's a desktop computer you can just buy a video adaptor and install it. First you need to know what kind of slot is available. Depending on the age, this will either be PCIe or AGP, but it should tell you in the specifications section of the handbook.
Then it's just wip the cover off, remove a blanking panel, insert the new card. All except the very cheapest cards are dual head and come either with two DVI sockets or 1 VGA 1 DVI. Personally I favour the nVidia GeForce range.

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Dual Monitor from one computer port

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