After an age I have managed to reformat my Packard Bell hard drive after the dreaded blue screen etc and problems of reformatting with a disk that had a scratch, but all is now well (thanks to AB'ers) **APART** from when connecting my cable modem (Virgin Media) the pc does not pick up the connection. What have I forgotten or doing wrong? Thank goodness for my iphone so I can post on here! Thank you
Just checked my network connections. In the system the icon shows the 1394 connection as connected but there is a padlock sign showing as well. How do I remove this padlock? Thanks
Is your modem connected to your computer using a USB lead? if so you'll need to download the usb driver.
contact me htt:// and if you dont have it I can get it for you easily enough and give you a link to download it.
If its by the netword lean (like a telephone plug but bigger) then it sounds like you dont have the network drivers installed.
Here lies your problem, you caused it by wiping the computer. its something you should only ever do as a complete LAST resort.
you have two options, contact Packard Bell and ask them for the driver cd, or a restore cd with the drivers on it.
or let me know the make and model number and I'll send you a link to download all the relevant drivers.
By the wya in future dont format the hard drive, this can be a costly mistake
Take a read on my website the "fix your own pc" cd is made for people who have computer problems, and want to fix them without wiping the disk, it can fix most common problems.
It also contains software to help you prevent identity theft.
Ignore lew ^^ he is once again just spamming this site for buisness!
you have not installed the network card drivers yet, goto the packard bell website, click on support, enter the model number of your computer and download the following drivers (if available).
I said - "you have two options, contact Packard Bell and ask them for the driver cd, or a restore cd with the drivers on it.
or let me know the make and model number and I'll send you a link to download all the relevant drivers"
I was going to collect them all for him and put them into one file and either give him a link to download them or send him a disc with them on it.
how on earth can that be considered spam u complete ...
If you had noticed he's using an iphone to get online, if you can work out how to download drivers with that then feel free to educate everyone.
is your last name paper? - certainly your nickname must be potty mouth
how's this?
Question: I hear it is best to turn off your PC if you ware not going to use it. Some say they never turn theirs off. What should I do?
Answer: Whenever you get a new computer these days they come loaded with offers from various software vendors. This is called OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) software.
your site is really on the ball ... ??????
not surprising then you didn't even spot the 1394 refers to the firewire hub
and it's quite basic knowledge that windows uses generic network drivers ... if the ethernet card isn't showing (on a desktop) it's likely to be the chipset drivers
good of you to offer to get the drivers ... but why not just refer to the packard bell site
(which chuck did - then again he's not going to charge)
instead you point to fixmypcuk
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any relation to yogie I wonder?