I am trying to do some typing in Word for a mate. I have typed about 6 pages and suddenly my cursor is shooting to about two thirds down the page and also doing 1.5 spacing. I have tried several things to no avail. I am desperate to get on with this job. Can anyone help??
I am using a remote mouse. I have tried opening a new docuemnt and it does exactly the same thing. I have obviously toucheda key on the board and set something into action. Just can't find out what I hit by mistake. I have tried line spacing and page set up .
I am getting tired now. I thought it might be something to do with page breaks, but I have fiddled with them and nothing is changing. Just going to try a reboot.
Tried a re-boot and no difference. I am off to bed to sleep on it. Will see if I can try again in the morning. Thanks very much for your help anyway Ethel.
Sleep well
Go back into Word, open the document and then highlight all of the text by holding down the Ctrl and A keys together... then click on Format (in the menu at the top of the screen), then click on Paragraph, then under *Indents and Spacing* ensure that the 3rd option - line spacing - is set to *single*...
I suspect you had accidentally clicked on Ctrl and some other key which altered the line spacing. Click on OK and then save your work (File, Save etc)