virginmedia cable to another PC in The AnswerBank: Computers
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virginmedia cable to another PC

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zebra19 | 06:08 Mon 04th May 2009 | Computers
2 Answers
thankyou to vascop and VHG for your help. tried most things but not ipconfig/ release. Scared I would not get back to this PC if unsuccessful. Anyway more instructions on that command would be helpful. If virgin staff cannot get me up and running would I be any more successful trying on my own?
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There are three useful ipconfig commands

ipconfig /all - shows you your current network status

ipconfig /release - releases your current network settings

ipconfig /renew - renews your network settings
Why not just right click on the network connection icon down by the clock and select repair rather than going to the command line and having to type two lines.

Selecting the repair does excatly those two things for you and a few others that will help (flushing the ARP cache for example)

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virginmedia cable to another PC

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