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Outlook Express

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djprescott | 08:39 Thu 25th Jun 2009 | Computers
4 Answers
I have bought a new computer and had the hard drive from the previous one installed. I want to look at my emails that were contained within OE. The new computer only has Outlook on it so how can I open my old emails? I have had a look in the OE folders on the old drive but can't find where the emails would be anyway.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thanks for any help with this.


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you will have several files with a .dbx extension, one for each folder you had in OE, so do a search for .dbx on the drive.

they will probably be in a location such as

C:\Documents and Settings\user-name\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{049C0FEC-BEB7-4D0C-A0A9-D7D1C453F363}\Microsoft\Outlook Express

You may have to turn on "view hidden and system files" before you can see them though, in any explorer window click on the tools menu and select folder options and look on the view tab to do this.
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Hi. Thanks for the answer. I have located the the folders now. I have brought them to work on a usb mem stick to use on a pc that runs OE. Can I just drop them into the same directory?
in theory yes but probably a better way would be to.....

put them in any directory you like, then in outlook express click on the tools menu, then options, select the maintenance tab and click on the store button.

Then click on change, point it to look at the folder where you have just put your mail files and click ok and they will be opened.
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Thanks chuck, that's really helpful, i'll give that a go.
Much appreciated for your help.

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