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browndmb | 14:07 Mon 27th Jul 2009 | Computers
3 Answers
My computer in the General tab says I have 1.99GHz 448RAM and I wonder what that means as my computer is now slowed down and have been told that the above is not enough RAM and can this be increased and should I need to do it.
Thanks for any explanations as am pretty green re computers


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448Mb is not enough for windows to run well (you'll actually have 512Mb but your graphics card is borrowing some)

goto this website

Run the system scanner and it will tell you what memory you require to upgrade your computer and what you currently have in it. I would add an extra 1GB to your computer.

(there is no need to actually buy the Memory from the site in my link, it will be available cheaper elsewhere)
I always thiought 1.99Ghz was plenty ?
I took my daughter's to PC World last summer. They charged �14.99 to insert a memory card plus the cost of the card which I think was about �25 for 1.5Gb. For about �40 you could really see the difference.

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