computer screen in The AnswerBank: Technology
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computer screen

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jacko22 | 20:55 Thu 13th Aug 2009 | Technology
13 Answers
My mouse cursor on my computer screen has frozen. It won't move despite switching the computer off and on again. Can anyone tell me how to overcome this please. Could it be the mouse itself which is faulty ?
Many thanks in advance.

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First thing to check is that the cable is plugged in correctly I have one lady who's base unit of machine is on the the floor and she has pulled the cable out by simply moving her feet so check the cable is in correctly
Question Author
Thanks MadSteve. I have checked the mouse is still connected. I even unplugged it and plugged it in again to make sure. Thanks.
sounds like it could be faulty can you borrow one from a friend to try it out..
wot kind of mouse is it?
Question Author
Thanks folks. I'll be buying a new one tomorrow just to check it out .. they're not expensive. The light in my mouse is still lit up and seems to be functioning other than moving the wee arrow. Tomorrow will be a step further/ Thanks for your notes.

If you are using XP.
Start - control panel - mouse and pointer devices - hardware - troubleshoot.
It could be the driver that is at fault.
LOL, and have fun doing hc's suggestion without a mouse :)

try it in different USB ports
Without a mouse.
Windows key; arrow down to control panel; tab to printers and hardware; tab to mouse; ctrl+ tab to hardware; tab to troubleshoot.
Cleaning a Ball mouse by removing ball & rinsing it in washing liquid helps. Do ppl still use them?
How very dare you tamb! What's wrong with a ball mouse???
the nipple is better?
I do believe that my own's all ship-shape and bristol fashion!
Question Author
Thanks folks for all your suggestions. I bought a new one this morning and it's solved the problem. I couldn't wash this one anyway as it doesn't have a ball it is an optical mouse. Still lights up and everything but just doesn't function anymore. Thanks again.

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