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How do i download youtube videos to my phone?

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dee2912 | 18:06 Mon 28th Dec 2009 | Computers
4 Answers
Hi, how do i download youtube videos to my phone iv tried loads of stuff but ended up uninstalling them as they wanted me to pay for the pro verison an stuff like that, if i could download them an then tranfer via data cable id be happy enough.


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I use Convert to mp4 for music vids (depending on what your particular handset can play)...
blue tooth?
-- answer removed --
hey, you don't actually have to spend money on any softwares. Go and type "ss" right after leaving "www." in the url of the youtube video and your will get the download link of the youtube video which you want to download. This is simple, free, easy and the best way. I do the very same way for downloading my favorite videos.

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How do i download youtube videos to my phone?

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